Meeting with Joni Mitchell > Background > Works
However, all these questions did not arise, given the failure of my project with publishers. Negotiations with Joni Mitchell's Publishing House over the rights allowing to reproduce and use her poems went unheeded, as no publisher wished to hear about this project.
I only remember one of the verbal comments that one of them made, saying in essence : "Too bad you are not Van Gogh and that she is not Madonna, we would have published the thing right away". Well, just as that comment's first part might make sense, I am not that sure that the second one was particularly smart. So, by despair, I began to think that the project did not find a taker because of its presentation, eg the model I had designed and shaped into a mockup. Of course, it was stupid, the problem was obviously not there. But at the time my judgment was completely muddied by my absolute desire to keep my project alive until it would achieve completion, not ready to relinquish anything before trying everything.
So I embarked on the production of another model, with a totally different spirit and design. I called this project of a book "Joni Mitchell. Paintings inspired by a renowned introvert Lady who just loves to sing, dance, laugh and have fun". I chose this title for my project’s new version because my perception of Joni Mitchell never corresponded to that of a moody, anxious and self-tortured introvert crying for love because of a bleeding heart. I always envisioned her as a solar person, enjoying company and looking for a good time, which did not prevent her to be the deep and extremely sensitive artist whom she is. This time, the project's shape was that of a thick cardboard box housing the book of my selection of Joni Mitchell's texts and poems, accompanied by the referent artwork I had produced.
Finally, I gave up presenting this new version to anyone. It stayed on the drawing-board. Today is the first time it is displayed in the context of this site, since its inception in the late 1980s.










© Jacques Benoit. Design, œuvres, photographies et textes par Jacques Benoit et placés sous son copyright. Les contenus provenant d'autres sources sont crédités comme tel, ainsi que leur origine.
© Jacques Benoit. Design, works, photographies and texts by Jacques Benoit and under the author’s copyright. Except when derived from other sources and then mentioned as such.