Meeting with Joni Mitchell > Background > Works

In early 1987, I had the opportunity and the joy to be able to show Joni Mitchell the second part of my work that was inspired by her music and poetry. This second encounter occurred early in 1987. This time, it happened in England, in the vicinity of Box, a small village near Bath where Peter Gabriel owned a recording studio called Ashcombe House located near the village. Joni Mitchell was there with her husband, co-producer and bassist Larry Klein, recording what would become her thirteenth studio album Chalk Mark In A Rainstorm with a bunch of musicians, including the French Manu Katché. During the period between 1983 and 1987 after my first encounter with her, I had made a model of a book, entitled Hommage to Joni Mitchell, in which I included some of her texts and the illustrations or paintings that matched them.
I had the chance to present this mock-up to Rick Rousseau, the Embassy of Canada’s Agent General from Saskatchewan, in charge of Cultural Affairs, who showed a genuine interest in my project (probably because it paid tribute to the most talented and famous Canadian "Prairie Girl" from Saskatchewan). We always kept a very friendly contact thereafter, as Rick Rousseau did try to help me in every way he could with my project.

In 1987, again with the help of my friend Robert Key at Rocket Records, I was informed of Mitchell's future presence in England. The year before, my contact Anne Philonenko at CBS had previously solicited Geffen -Mitchell’s recording label of then-, in order to bring the existence of my paintings to its chairman’s knowledge. Anne had enquired about the possibility that I could present the following steps of my work to the musician in case I could come one day to the United States for that purpose. Informed about the news of Mitchell’s forthcoming venue in Europe, Anne agreed to seize this opportunity (the UK was far less away from France than the USA, obviously! ...), and finally succeeded to send reproductions of the book's layout to Joni Mitchell via her management, with an appointment request.










© Jacques Benoit. Design, œuvres, photographies et textes par Jacques Benoit et placés sous son copyright. Les contenus provenant d'autres sources sont crédités comme tel, ainsi que leur origine.
© Jacques Benoit. Design, works, photographies and texts by Jacques Benoit and under the author’s copyright. Except when derived from other sources and then mentioned as such.