Meeting with Joni Mitchell > Background > Works

to the security thugs who seemed totally devoid of any reaction when they were supposed to protect the star from the ardour of her fans), had jumped onto the stage carrying a bouquet of red roses that he presented to Joni Mitchell, who was leaving by then the stage's front with her band to go backstage.

That meant that only a few meters separated her from me, being seated in the first row from the stage. Despite the hubbub in the theatre and the background of 'airport' music that accompanied the exit of the spectators, I could distinctly perceive the exchange between the young man and Joni Mitchell. Having seized the bouquet of roses, I think I heard her ask the boy, "Are you Jacques?" Unable to understand why she had asked that question, the boy of course answered in the negative.

I am not sure to this day that this episode really happened exactly in this way, but no matter whether it did or not, I took what I thought I had heard as a sign. This gesture of Joni Mitchell seemed to me to be an encouragement to try to meet her "for real", although I was totally paralyzed by shyness at that moment.

And afraid above all, because of the certainty that a meeting would have no meaning, since it could only happen on a completely artificial and superficial "fan-to-star" level, that would exclude a discussion of her music and texts in relation to the illustrations that were born from them. The butterfly was attracted to the real light, not by the sequined and glittery lampshade used for filter.

But strengthened by this incident, my friends were able to convince me, so we went -me shaking like a leaf and them dying with laughter-, to wait for Joni Mitchell's arrival in the lobby of the Warwick Hotel, located close to the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées.

Not knowing if the artist would return to the hotel right after the concert, or if she would go somewhere for dinner instead, we had decided to go immediately to the spot whenever the curtain fell, thereby making sure of seeing her go into the hotel if she returned immediately. A course of action that gave the possibility for the young babbling and liquefied man that was me to meet her.

It was lucky that we did, for very soon after our arrival and installation on the Warwick sofas, Joni Mitchell appeared in the lobby, accompanied by her husband, her band and her management, walking towards the reception to collect their keys.

Virtually pushed in the back by my friends, I managed to crash in front of Joni Mitchell. Before her management and entourage could intervene, I could utter a few words stating that I was the author of the things that had been handed to her upon her arrival the day before.

So many decades after it happened, I am still in awe of my first contact with her : Joni Mitchell was impressive with her simplicity, spontaneity, kindness and warmth. Especially since she had just given all of herself for several hours on stage. Yet, despite her fatigue, and the fact that she had not even had time to grab a bite, she invited me to follow her into her apartments in order to have a look together at this box of illustrations authored by a totally unknown French guy, that had been brought to her attention the previous day only.












© Jacques Benoit. Design, œuvres, photographies et textes par Jacques Benoit et placés sous son copyright. Les contenus provenant d'autres sources sont crédités comme tel, ainsi que leur origine.
© Jacques Benoit. Design, works, photographies and texts by Jacques Benoit and under the author’s copyright. Except when derived from other sources and then mentioned as such.