Elton John > Paintings

Then, after that the last necessary corrections were made, I ordered copies of the final version at one of those self-publishing platforms that allow a production of a limited number of copies, with a good quality paper and a reasonably good print quality.

No longer having the resource to contact my friend the late Robert Key for sending my book to Elton John, I approached one of my acquaintances that worked for the musician in his company. I had met that person in the mid Seventies in London, while personally involved with her brother whose tragic and premature disappearance at the end of the 1990s had left me deeply distressed.
However sporadic my contacts between his sister and I had ever been since then, we had somehow maintained friendly bonds thereafter, in particular at the time of Robert Key’s disappearance in 2009 (that person was close to Robert as well, personally and professionally). So I knew that I dealt with someone caring and totally trustworthy -which she proved to be.

Therefore I sent her My Elton Years, explaining what it was all about. I described the content and meaning of that book that I begged her to give to Elton John -because the book was packaged, and therefore she would not be able to check what it contained.
Because it was for Elton John and him solely that it had been written and designed -as I explained. It was thus unthinkable for me that anyone except him should know of that book's content, and certainly no one before him, in any case. My interlocutor very obligingly understood. She fairly accepted my request, assuring me afterwards that the book had been delivered to its addressee.

The first months of 2017 went without any reaction to my sending. I got back to my contact then, who confirmed to me after that she enquired, that the book had duly been transmitted to Elton John via his personal secretariat.










© Jacques Benoit. Design, œuvres, photographies et textes par Jacques Benoit et placés sous son copyright. Les contenus provenant d'autres sources sont crédités comme tel, ainsi que leur origine.
© Jacques Benoit. Design, works, photographies and texts by Jacques Benoit and under the author’s copyright. Except when derived from other sources and then mentioned as such.