Elton John > Paintings

As it undernimed also those generated by the work that I had produced for him with so much pride, enthusiasm and joy in 1974.
These events’ sum was coupled to another key parameter, that was actually the main true starter of my project. However I shall keep this for myself, because it is of a private nature that concerns only Elton John and I. Altogether, all of these parameters told me about the urgency to put down in writing what only my memory had hosted till then : the adventure that had been mine. I then decided to produce a sort of an "Open Letter" adressed to Elton John in the form of a hardcover book, a letter "open" only in name because it must be private, insofar as its contents concerned him and I only. Something sent to him on a purely personal basis.

The book would narrate the episodes of this common story through the prism of my own memories. Which, by definition, were likely to have little to do with the musician's own perception, and therefore as such would interest him perhaps. In case that he would still remember this story’s steps, from its beginning up to the last time we had exchanged in 2003, until that year of 2016 when the  Wonderful Crazy Night release encouraged me to share those memories with him.

I worked full-time on the book through all of 2016, developing the writing while designing along the visual contents and the layout of the book. I documented the visuals with all the letters, records, press archives, photos, drawings and gouaches that had punctuated this journey related to Elton John, a bit like lots of Hop-o'-My-Thumb's pebbles marking my path on the Yellow Brick Road, from my schooling as a teenager in Nice in 1972, to the epilogue that this work of 2016 constituted.

The end result took shape in a 240 pages hardcover book of an album format ; I called it My Elton Years.
At the end of this year of labour in December 2016, I felt that I had obtained a coherent version that more or less met my expectations.










© Jacques Benoit. Design, œuvres, photographies et textes par Jacques Benoit et placés sous son copyright. Les contenus provenant d'autres sources sont crédités comme tel, ainsi que leur origine.
© Jacques Benoit. Design, works, photographies and texts by Jacques Benoit and under the author’s copyright. Except when derived from other sources and then mentioned as such.