Brasilia > Paintings

This series of new paintings travelled later that year to Brasilia, at the official invitation of the Cultural Commission of the City's Jubilee, in charge of the selection of international artists and events for their participation in the festivities.

Concerning the Brasilia. Cinqüenta Anos exhibition, I remember the genuine care and kindness that the Brazilian Embassy's Minister of Political Affairs Laudemar Gonçalves de Aguiar Neto showed towards my work, with a focus on the series of works on paper Catedral Natal - Laranja, Ouro, Vermelho e Azul. An encounter like a ray of sunshine. Something rare, that an artist's vocation of painting sometimes meets across its arid path, and which warms one's soul and heart then, encouraging the artist to persevere in his art.

During this final exhibition, I offered Inez the Cathedrale painting for the Maison du Brésil, one of the very first I did out of the Brasilia. Flesh and Soul series. I was quite moved by Inez's reaction, which made me realize that this painting was one of her favourite works - maybe even the one that won all of her votes at heart.
Inez and Denise decided to hang this painting on the Maison du Brésil’s lobby’s large red wall, which was an honour to my work. I do not know if this painting is still hung on that red wall today, but no matter where it might be now, for me it will always remain hung there, on this crimson space that truly magnifies my painting's spirit.

So I salute here these two ladies from the Maison du Brésil. My work, and the visibility that it received in those times owe them a lot, and it is always with a lot of affection and regard that I think of them -in particular of Inez, whom I had the pleasure to see again one last time, after she retired in 2013.

Muito, muito obrigado, Senhoras!










© Jacques Benoit. Design, œuvres, photographies et textes par Jacques Benoit et placés sous son copyright. Les contenus provenant d'autres sources sont crédités comme tel, ainsi que leur origine.
© Jacques Benoit. Design, works, photographies and texts by Jacques Benoit and under the author’s copyright. Except when derived from other sources and then mentioned as such.