Brasilia > Paintings

I met Inez Machado Salim and Denise Leitao in 2005, under the good care of my friend Juliette Vincent, who at the time worked for Jangada, a Franco-Brazilian association in charge of the Paris yearly Brazilian Film Festival. Inez Machado Salim was at the time the Director of the Paris’ Maison du Brésil (dependent on the Brazilian Embassy in France) : a superb building designed by the Swiss architect Le Corbusier and the Brazilian architect and urbanist Lúcio Costa (Town planner and author -among others- of the Master Plan (Plano Piloto) of Brasilia). The Maison du Brésil represents certainly one of the most interesting architectural jewels among Paris’ Cité Universitaire's twenty-three other buildings, in Paris' 14th borough.

Denise Leitao was Director of Culture for the Maison du Brésil’s institution, organizing cultural events there in close collaboration with the institution's direction.

I got along quite well with the two godmothers of this piece of Brazil landlocked in the heart of Paris. Having submitted my work inspired by Brasilia to them, Inez and Denise gave me the joy and the honour of organizing an exhibition in 2005, entitled  Brasilia. Flesh and Soul- the first exibition of this series.

We thus developed over time a relationship based on trust. Afterwards, this relationship got enriched by a second exhibition in 2007, the theme of which was the celebration of Oscar Niemeyer’s centenary, and for this reason called Cent Étoiles (One Hundred Stars), with a painting created especially for the occasion and that I was very moved to be able to present in this event’s context.
Finally, Inez insisted on celebrating the Fiftieth Anniversary of Brasilia in 2010 : thus was born Brasília. Cinqüenta Anos, an exhibition for which I produced the diptych Brasilia Cinqüenta Anos - Criança and Brasilia Cinqüenta Anos - Mulher, as well as the quadriptych Ritmo e Sensualidade / Construçao e Florescimento.










© Jacques Benoit. Design, œuvres, photographies et textes par Jacques Benoit et placés sous son copyright. Les contenus provenant d'autres sources sont crédités comme tel, ainsi que leur origine.
© Jacques Benoit. Design, works, photographies and texts by Jacques Benoit and under the author’s copyright. Except when derived from other sources and then mentioned as such.