
attack intended to make us lose.

This is why I have imagined a giant copper-sheeted hand, reminding the Statue of Liberty's one waving up her torch, but this time blossoming out of the mourning ground, in a gentle gesture of offering, giving birth to a bird to rise up and fly away towards the sky.

I have chosen the symbol of the dove carrying its olive branch, because I believe this is the most universal, the most understandable key symbol opposing barbarity, bigotry, hatred, fanaticism and violence: it would show our own determination for peace, and our faith in life, this precious life which we believe is sacred.

I have imagined that this hand and this bird, alone on a vast plaza fronting the Twins, would emerge out of an evocation of the ruins of the late towers, those broken, tortured spires of steel which stood bravely against the dust on the devastated site, as to signify that if they had not entirely crumbled, it was because they wanted to be kept, as a testimony for generations to come.

The bird in my vision would be composed of 2801 pieces of mirror: this is important, because each of those mirrors reflecting the sky and the sun would be dedicated to a victim's soul, a reflection that shines forever.

This Bird of Peace is a sum of the victims' souls, he is their ambassador to ambassador to us.

This Bird of Peace would seem to fly up to the top of the Towers, as to pointing us the way to go and meet the spirit of the loved ones who went away.


























Photo :
and the WTC
in 1996.

Source :
Carol M. Highsmith
(Photo cropped - detail)










© Jacques Benoit. Design, œuvres, photographies et textes par Jacques Benoit et placés sous son copyright. Les contenus provenant d'autres sources sont crédités comme tel, ainsi que leur origine.
© Jacques Benoit. Design, works, photographies and texts by Jacques Benoit and under the author’s copyright. Except when derived from other sources and then mentioned as such.