
- Blue is for hope, and for remembrance of the souls of the victims.

And the whole structure would reflect day after day the blue sky and the passing of sometimes dark clouds, an image of life as it is, indeed.

At a certain level in each of the Towers, an immense space, many storeys high, located at the very spot where the planes crashed, would remain empty, sheltered from the open air by front walls of glass, transparent and untinted this time, as opposed to the blue mirror-like glass covering at those levels the rest of the towers.

Those two monumental memorials would home the names of those who died, listed and engraved in the marble of their giant rear walls. Those places would be seen through transparency of glass at day.

At night, they would shine like a lighthouse's beam, a perpetual light guiding us to remembering, so that no one can ever forget.

They would be a separate space of rest and silence from the Towers' bodies, full of life and activity. I believe it would be a correct way to bring together the duty to go on living and the need for silence and prayer in respect of those who went.

Because I believe that their souls are there, with us forever, and they expect us to do justice to what has become Ground Zero, where we must give them a home and a a shelter.

Concerning that last point, New York is the place which homes the Statue of Liberty, and freedom of thinking, freedom of loving, freedom of living are precisely what the September 11th

























Photo :
New York
and the Twin Towers
in 1983.

Source :
Freddy de Hosdent
(Photo cropped - detail)










© Jacques Benoit. Design, œuvres, photographies et textes par Jacques Benoit et placés sous son copyright. Les contenus provenant d'autres sources sont crédités comme tel, ainsi que leur origine.
© Jacques Benoit. Design, works, photographies and texts by Jacques Benoit and under the author’s copyright. Except when derived from other sources and then mentioned as such.