Joni Mitchell > Background

So, here is Heciya.

There are cactus trees, clouds, rain storms (but without chalk marks on the ground which fade under hard rain's attacks, because the red powdery earth of the mesas is not suitable for chalk marks...), music shaped in blue, and of course the Eagle and the Serpent from Don Juan's Reckless Daughter.

Paprika Plains glow in the distance, and only the turquoise of the snaking river has transmuted and coloured with molten gold – the Heciya's palette and that of my unconditional love for crimson demanded it. And many other things, which the "baggage overload” in the back of the convertible coupé parked on the road could not pretend to hide.

There is a moon in the sky.

Because Joni Mitchell’s journey continues today, by day and by night, for the greatest happiness of us all. And that is why in the firmament of Heciya (which we don’t really know if it is day or night) floats the moon.

Once in a while in a big blue moon there comes a night like this.

Night Ride Home.

So good luck to you Madame Joni Mitchell, with as much as possible in mind the motto you always kept so far of never respecting any yellow lines, whether full or dotted.
Which you always did, ever since you began enchanting us with your music, your writings, your thinking and your art. That is to say, since forever as far as I am concerned.

A road that we wish you beautiful and infinite, like the vast, magnificent, dignified, indomitable and dazzling Lakota spaces that are so much like you are *.













© Jacques Benoit. Design, œuvres, photographies et textes par Jacques Benoit et placés sous son copyright. Les contenus provenant d'autres sources sont crédités comme tel, ainsi que leur origine.
© Jacques Benoit. Design, works, photographies and texts by Jacques Benoit and under the author’s copyright. Except when derived from other sources and then mentioned as such.