horsesvisions > paintings

In the light of this difficult context, this is why Véronique Durruty and I cannot thank enough Christophe Langris, Sony Music France Legacy Division’s Director in charge of Patti Smith catalogue, and Yazid Manou, the label’s Press Officer, and a magician as well. A music fanatic in general and in particular, someone as crazy about Jimi Hendrix as I can be about Joni Mitchell - which speaks for itself…. Their support, their benevolence and their efficiency were key, and basic oxygen to us. Christophe Langris, always responsive, friendly, welcoming and efficient in clearing the ground and dissipating the misunderstandings that grieved this exhibition’s set-up. Yazid also doing his best to ironing out the difficulties and working out wonders at the level of the media – and what wonders ! I must also quote here our common friend Juliette Vincent’s help in that project, and Pierre Levy’s advice, a dear friend of mine and lawyer, who advised us pro bono and intelligently on procedures to follow in the face of the gusts as unexpected as they were inexplicable that our exhibition suffered from in its making.
Christophe Langris’ and Yazid Manou’s interventions therefore greatly contributed to horsesvisions’ success and above all, made possible its opening as it was planned, in the very place that had welcomed us, this splendid Espace Niemeyer that Gérard Fournier had kindly put at our disposal in order to present our exhibition to the public.

Horsesvisions opened on October 17, and closed on December 6, 2015.
Véronique Durruty exhibited eighty multi-format photos, divided into four series, each of which corresponding to one of the four Horses’ tracks that she had selected. Namely, Gloria, Redondo Beach, Break It Up and Land.

For my part, I presented fifteen large-format canvases, thirteen of which were inspired by Birdland. Another one was inspired by Free Money, and the last one by Elegie. And finally a series of twenty-one small monotypes on paper, dedicated to the Kimberly composition.










© Jacques Benoit. Design, œuvres, photographies et textes par Jacques Benoit et placés sous son copyright. Les contenus provenant d'autres sources sont crédités comme tel, ainsi que leur origine.
© Jacques Benoit. Design, works, photographies and texts by Jacques Benoit and under the author’s copyright. Except when derived from other sources and then mentioned as such.