horsesvisions > paintings

These seminal works whose authors were the likes of artists and intellectuals such as Arthur Rimbaud, Jim Morrison, Paul Verlaine, Allen Ginsberg, Jimi Hendrix or William Blake, to name but a few. Consequently, within the strict framework of a tribute to the forty years of Horses, it did appear rightful and well-founded to Véronique Durruty and myself to adopt a similar approach, basing our reflection and our art on Smith's masterful compositions, this in full respect of the author of course (not mentioning that we had sought and obtained beforehand her label’s authorizations).

As an aside, and just for the anecdote and the fun (and it is only a Patti Smith’s forever-and-always fan who speaks here, not one of the horsevisions’ authors), I remember having nonetheless met the American poet and singer a few years before horsesvisions took place, one very late evening at the "Terminus Nord", when my partner and I returned from London via Eurostar. We had decided to dine quickly at the famous Gare du Nord brasserie, before the service came to a close. The restaurant was practically deserted, a hushed moment rythmed by the waiters’ ballet who busily cleaned and reset the tables for the next day's service. Lost like us in this empty space and a few tables away in a row perpendicular to ours, was a woman seated on the bench and a man facing her, whose back only could be seen. They were finishing their meal. The lady was Patti Smith.
Having finished our collation, my companion stood up apart and waited for me. I took my courage in my hands and took a few steps towards Patti Smith's table. Despite the vacant look she gave me then, I tried to fight my fear and as boldly as I could I started apologizing beforehand for disturbing her. She did not react. Then I went into a probably very awkward evocation of the admiration I had for her writing and singing, explaining that if I had taken advantage of this unexpected opportunity, it was only for thanking her for her Œuvre which had accompanied me for so long. She just kept staring at me without saying a single word.










© Jacques Benoit. Design, œuvres, photographies et textes par Jacques Benoit et placés sous son copyright. Les contenus provenant d'autres sources sont crédités comme tel, ainsi que leur origine.
© Jacques Benoit. Design, works, photographies and texts by Jacques Benoit and under the author’s copyright. Except when derived from other sources and then mentioned as such.