Elton John > Paintings

My contact mentioned that her firm was in the middle of “a big archive review” in the perspective of a "celebration of the career’s key steps" (sic) of the British singer. That is the only clue I ever got, even when I ended up meeting that person in her London office in mid-July 2017, taking the opportunity of a short stay in the British capital that had been scheduled independently of my meeting with her, long before she contacted me.

Insofar that the British firm was in the process of compiling landmark testimonies of Elton John’s career, I was not alarmed by the terse and vague description of the project. Organizers of major events in preparation rarely disclose their project’s detailed content to intermediary third parties before it is fully locked. And by July 2017, Elton John's firm’s project did not sound to be yet at this stage of final completion. Consequently, I considered useless to waste my time trying to obtain more information about a project the confidential nature of which apparently forbade any further disclosures.
However, the chosen terms to describe the event in preparation ("a celebration of Elton John’s career’s key moments") immediately made me think of the superb retrospectives organized by the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, which had paid tribute during previous years to the careers of the Pink Floyd and David Bowie, with the international success that everyone remembers.

I had seen David Bowie Is in London. Given the worldwide notoriety, the longevity and the exceptional scope of Elton John's career, it did not seem farfetched to me to presume that the British musician was next on the list, an ideal candidate to succeed the artists previously exhibited by the prestigious British museum. A retrospective exhibit there matched perfectly the mysterious “celebration” evoked in veiled terms. I deduced then that an Elton John Exhibition at the V&A was the envisioned next big thing, which could not be officially disclosed yet for confidentiality reasons.










© Jacques Benoit. Design, œuvres, photographies et textes par Jacques Benoit et placés sous son copyright. Les contenus provenant d'autres sources sont crédités comme tel, ainsi que leur origine.
© Jacques Benoit. Design, works, photographies and texts by Jacques Benoit and under the author’s copyright. Except when derived from other sources and then mentioned as such.