Elton John > Paintings

His public image was so closely linked to his extravagant glasses that no one had been capable to identify this thirty year old smiling man in “normal” outfits with the world famous bespectacled diva with blue hair and seven inches high silver platform boots…

In 2004, I offered Elton John, as a contribution to his Foundation battling AIDS (Elton John Aids Foundation, aka EJAF), a painting  that I made, entitled The Boy In The Red Shoes. It was inspired by the composition The Ballad of the Boy In The Red Shoes, a beautiful and poignant masterpiece song that addressed this painful subject and which appeared on the Songs From the West Coast album.
I made this gift to participate, in my own way and within the range of my abilities, in the fight against this disease’s ravages, given that the profits from the sale of this painting would benefit the Foundation, if they wished to sell it. The Boy In The Red Shoes was the last work of mine inspired by Elton John’s music.

As far as the production of the first part of the 1970s is concerned, almost all of these gouaches have disappeared, forgotten or lost by those who had been their recipients, or depositaries. Perhaps some exist still, piled up in the bottom of a dusty cardboard box somewhere in some property’s attic... In fact, I have no idea where these originals might be, and the fate they met in the end. I still have a very limited number of them in my possession, which allowed me to make some decent reproductions for this site. All that remains of the rest of this work are negatives of small pictures taken with my Kodak instamatic of the time, to keep track of them before sending the originals to London or the United States. A trace of poor quality, with fuzzy and faded colors.

After restoring them the best I could, I included a few of them in the Paintings section of this site. Funnily enough, I sort of discovered them anew, as I failed to remember having painted most of them...










© Jacques Benoit. Design, œuvres, photographies et textes par Jacques Benoit et placés sous son copyright. Les contenus provenant d'autres sources sont crédités comme tel, ainsi que leur origine.
© Jacques Benoit. Design, works, photographies and texts by Jacques Benoit and under the author’s copyright. Except when derived from other sources and then mentioned as such.