Brasilia > Paintings

And then, the visit we paid to the University of Brasilia where we went Juliette and I to distribute -and display wherever we could on the walls-, the exhibition’s invitation card, so that the University’s professors and students could attend the opening.

And also this party hosted by the Brazilian artist Darlan Rosa (to which Elaine Ruas was invited, and to which my exhibiting gallery's volcanic friend director took the both of Juliette and I with her usual generosity).
A Southern Hemisphere’s early summer evening when Juliette, friendly and charming as usual, shone as much with her good humour and her bursts of laughter as the plastician artist’s luminous and colorful sculptures did, when we discovered the latter during a following evening's visit to the Juscelino Kubitschek Memorial.

Quite a few enchanted evenings in Brasilia, including the very special and unique one of my exhibition’s opening night. And all of those since then that we had the pleasure of sharing in Paris, with of course and inevitably the intellectual tussles that go with it (how else could it be with someone who crosses so recklessly the Monumental Axis of Brasilia just as the lights turn green for the cars?).

Friendly evenings blessed as well with the certainty that Juliette Vincent’s crystalline laughter and her legendary recklessness have finally -and fortunately- always the last word.










© Jacques Benoit. Design, œuvres, photographies et textes par Jacques Benoit et placés sous son copyright. Les contenus provenant d'autres sources sont crédités comme tel, ainsi que leur origine.
© Jacques Benoit. Design, works, photographies and texts by Jacques Benoit and under the author’s copyright. Except when derived from other sources and then mentioned as such.