Brasilia > Paintings

In short, bouquets of memories that keep moments like those forever alive in mind and at heart.

Along the same lines of thoughts, I remember us leaving the Metropolitan Cathedral where I had led Juliet as a priority, as soon as we arrived in Brasilia - the first visit we paid to the city. This promenade gave me a few jitters when, to my great dismay, I suddenly saw a determined Juliet walk over the five (!) lanes of the motorway track which runs along both sides of Brasilia’s Monumental Axis on its descent as on its way up, in a purpose to reach the lawns of the Axis’ central median plaza. An irresistible and sudden desire to pay a courtesy visit to the daisies of the “gramado”, probably...  Except that fifty meters upstream, and when Juliette was not even mid way yet from the central lawns, all traffic lights turned green at this time.
Then an armada of merciless cars rushed at an astronomical speed towards the young Frenchwoman’s frail silhouette in the middle of the road, unconscious and reckless as she was… An undeterred silhouette though, who smiled and would not accelerate her pace, contenting herself to slalom nonchalantly between the lines of cars, under the hysterical screams of horns and mad drivers calling her names, presumably -and my panicked howls which competed unsuccessfully with the deafening roar of traffic.

In parallel of this anecdote, I keep from all these moments in Brasilia with Juliette Vincent and Elaine Ruas (who both got along superbly) quite a few memories of happiness, exceptional good time and good vibes. Like this excursion to the Flor do Cerrado (“The Flower of the Cerrado”), the new digital tower still under construction at the time. We had been kindly invited by the Federal District’s Secretary of Culture Silvestre Gorgulho to discover the site with an access to the tower's top for a view of the Brasilia panorama.
Or these outdoor dinners under the thick foliations of the Beirute (the "Asa Sul" one), Brasilia's most famous bar-restaurants with its warm Lebanese cuisine.










© Jacques Benoit. Design, œuvres, photographies et textes par Jacques Benoit et placés sous son copyright. Les contenus provenant d'autres sources sont crédités comme tel, ainsi que leur origine.
© Jacques Benoit. Design, works, photographies and texts by Jacques Benoit and under the author’s copyright. Except when derived from other sources and then mentioned as such.