Brasilia > Paintings

Thus, to celebrate the Fiftieth Anniversary of the inauguration of Brasilia, Jacques Benoit developed the series "Construção!". These compositions are drawn on paper with a mixed technique involving lacquer, paint, pencil, pastels soft and dry, each weaving itself to the other. Theses compositions' surfaces, very elongated in a ratio of nearly one in three, clearly go beyond the traditional "Marine" format, to enforce the vastness of the skies and the stubborn horizontality of the Planalto, the Brazilian High Plateau covered with cerrado, this sparse and meager vegetation of origin. This is when the architectural shapes -embryonic between orthogonality and strained curved bent by Niemeyer-, against backdrops of grandiose nebulosity or implacable skies brightned with vibrant deep red, spring out among scaffoldings.
In his vision of the amazing genesis of the Brazilian capital, Jacques Benoit does not celebrate any workers on a construction site as Fernand Leger did, for example, with the "Builders with rope" painting (1950) : his sharp lines, his graphics loaded with black lacquer and very dense colours tell us about the sheer gigantism of the territory in the works, the complex and cumbersome task, the bitterness of climate, the omnipresence of powdery laterite dirt. Perhaps then the visions of the painter eventually join those of Niemeyer which the latter reported he had, during his nightly rounds of inspection of the site, when it was dormant and still. And beyond their specific evocative power, these drawings allow Jacques Benoit -with the help of those vivid contrasts-, to do a vibrant justice to the plenitude and the audacity of Niemeyer's once completed works. Something that the talent of the painter always suceeds in celebrating, whatever sort of painting is at stake.

Jacques Benoit also manages to imbue Niemeyer’s architecture with a new form of monumentality, through his framing and vision of the buildings. This can be virtually seen in all his pictorial works relative to most of Brasilia’s buildings that he chose for a theme.










© Jacques Benoit. Design, œuvres, photographies et textes par Jacques Benoit et placés sous son copyright. Les contenus provenant d'autres sources sont crédités comme tel, ainsi que leur origine.
© Jacques Benoit. Design, works, photographies and texts by Jacques Benoit and under the author’s copyright. Except when derived from other sources and then mentioned as such.