Brasilia > Paintings

- A travel through time, from 1955 -birth of the Brasilia’s project-, then
through the implementation that followed and going through 1960
(date of the city's inauguration), until the city of today.
- A travel through the Brazilian Cerrado in a car, from Rio de Janeiro
to Brasilia, with the voice of Brasilia's architect Oscar Niemeyer
accompanying the trip. His memories being the film's guiding thread,
among other protagonists’ testimonies.

The travel across the Cerrado serves as a background,
a sort of “jewel box” for our Time travel. And, because of the synopsis'
structure and the film’s final editing, these two trips are intertwined
conceptually  and visually. They flow in parallel and simultaneously,
ending up in the very same location, and at the same moment :
At dawn, just in front of the Palace of Alvorada
("Dawn" in Portuguese), in the Brasilia of today.










© Jacques Benoit. Design, œuvres, photographies et textes par Jacques Benoit et placés sous son copyright. Les contenus provenant d'autres sources sont crédités comme tel, ainsi que leur origine.
© Jacques Benoit. Design, works, photographies and texts by Jacques Benoit and under the author’s copyright. Except when derived from other sources and then mentioned as such.