Brasilia > Paintings

In 2004, I had the opportunity and the honour to meet Oscar Niemeyer in his loft in Rio de Janeiro during one entire morning, for the filmed interview about Brasilia he accepted to grant me then. This happened in the context of the project of a documentary film that I had written, themed after Brasilia's genesis : "Brasilia. Travel towards Dawn" ("Brasilia. Voyage vers l'Aurore").

I had produced the shooting session and directed the filming, with the precious help of Ana Cristina Costa e Silva (Dharma Filmes in Brasilia) whom I had met a year before in Brasilia. Thanks to late journalist Fernando Lemos (alas gone in 2012), who had personally passed on my project's booklet to Oscar Niemeyer, Ana Cristina had succeeded in obtaining the architect’s agreement for a January 2004 meeting and a filmed interview in Rio, for which she organized the executive production then. This production was technically supported by French director and Director of photography Jean-Thomas Renaud, Sound Engineer Bruno Foznandos and Franco-Brazilian blond interpreter/translator Silvana Zilli, both Cariocas. At the end of the shooting session, Oscar Niemeyer was kind enough to offer me his drawings of the Museum of Niteroi and of Brasilia (the city's cathedral, among others) which he had sketched during the interview. In my case, I offered him the “Brasilia Airport” ("Aéroport de Brasilia"), painting, which I had specially made for the occasion, in order to thank him for having taken some of his time and shared his memories with me during one whole morning. This is why I offered him also a few months later another of my paintings “Waters! Waters of March” ("Eaux ! Eaux de Mars").

Following this meeting with Niemeyer, I wrote, produced and edited a thirteen minute film, entitled "Prologue" (of "Brasilia. Travel to Dawn"). This for the purpose of helping production companies in their consultations with the CNC and French (or foreign) networks, in relation to the film's funding matter.











© Jacques Benoit. Design, œuvres, photographies et textes par Jacques Benoit et placés sous son copyright. Les contenus provenant d'autres sources sont crédités comme tel, ainsi que leur origine.
© Jacques Benoit. Design, works, photographies and texts by Jacques Benoit and under the author’s copyright. Except when derived from other sources and then mentioned as such.