Brasilia > Paintings

Thus, the following series "Brasília Cinqüenta Anos" which I produced in homage to the city’s Jubilee, is also based on a symbolism : the birth and the evolution of a City-Woman, from her childhood to her adulthood… And it is still with this state of mind that I created in 2010 a final painting for the Fiftieth Anniversary of the city : "L'Homme de Brasilia" ("That Man from Brasilia). This painting’s particular meaning was to say goodbye to Brasilia through the evocation of Philippe de Broca's masterpiece, "That man From Rio".

Likewise, the 2011 series "Construção!" (even if this series may appear as only a pure pictorial research, because of its technique), is nevertheless articulated around a signifier : that of the harshness and the violence inherent in a site that challenged the isolation and hostility of the natural landscape that it claimed to tame. This at a time when venturing into the Brazilian wild, deserted and red Cerrado to build a new capital there (an improbable flagship of Modernity desired by the president Kubitscheck), was by itself a symbol and a manifesto : those of the Brazilian People's energy and their President’s optimism

The last work (to date) which I painted in relation to Brasilia was a quadriptych : "A Ausência (The Absence)", in 2013.
It was my way of saying goodbye to a man whose art and spirit marked me so much and opened so many horizons to my painting : Oscar Niemeyer, who died in 2012, shortly before Christmas. I have told the story of the birth of "A Ausência (The Absence) in related pages. A tale about death, but also of eternal life, that of Spirit through Art. That was the conclusion that I brought at the time to my brasiliense saga -assuming that there is a conclusion to it. Only the future will tell.

Octobre 2021










© Jacques Benoit. Design, œuvres, photographies et textes par Jacques Benoit et placés sous son copyright. Les contenus provenant d'autres sources sont crédités comme tel, ainsi que leur origine.
© Jacques Benoit. Design, works, photographies and texts by Jacques Benoit and under the author’s copyright. Except when derived from other sources and then mentioned as such.