
In September 2002, I heard on french TV the interview of fireman James Hanlon, after that the film directed by Jules & Gideon Naudet and himself had just been aired. Here is what Hanlon answered when asked about what to do on "Ground Zero" :
"Personally, I'd love for the Twin Towers to be built back the way they were (...) As a New Yorker I miss the sight of them (...) I’d look up from anywhere in New York and would see them (...) If i had my way, I'd build them back".


A bit later I read Rudy Giuliani's essay about "Ground Zero" in Time magazine, the Sept 9 issue.

In substance this is what this man said :
"I am convinced that ground zero must first and foremost be a memorial. All other decisions should flow from that goal (...) An appropriately large and enduring tribute at the site will remind future generations of that commitment (...) It should be visible for a great distance to demonstrate the spirit of those who gave their lives to defend freedom (...) If it were up to me, I'd devote the entire 6.5 hectares to the memorial"

Those two men's statements committed me into what I have done, and have enlightened my path.

James Hanlon's and Rudy Giuliani's points of view are almost opposed on what they consider that should be done on the WTC Site. But what stroke me in what they said was that roads apparently diverging could in fact lead to the same junction.

From this paradox could come the solution.









Photo :
World Trade Center
New York City
from Hudson
circa 1990

Source :










© Jacques Benoit. Design, œuvres, photographies et textes par Jacques Benoit et placés sous son copyright. Les contenus provenant d'autres sources sont crédités comme tel, ainsi que leur origine.
© Jacques Benoit. Design, works, photographies and texts by Jacques Benoit and under the author’s copyright. Except when derived from other sources and then mentioned as such.