Véronique Sanson - "Hollywood" > paintings

Adding then to finish : "Well, what about the Vancouver album instead? Because that one, that's definitely something else, and we do really love it ! ".

Obviously, I had to take up the defense of Besoin De Personne -even if I agreed about Vancouver. But I could not help smiling at this loving mom evaluating her daughter’s music (which had made hundreds of thousands of French fans go wild in concerts), with a poor rating, and this without possible discussion! …

It was very touching to hear Mrs Sanson talk about her daughter, as it happened at each of our meetings.

Hence, the memories of these few moments with Mrs Sanson that I keep are as fond as respectful. Once, she allowed me to take some pictures of her little white dog, and of the grand piano in the living room where her husband used to teach Véronique to play. I must make clear that smartphones and the current mania of taking a picture of everything, anything and mostly nothing deserving to be remembered, was still in limbo at the time in 1976. So I never dared ask if I could take a picture of Mrs Sanson herself. I had thus just taken a few pictures of this living room where she usually welcomed me for a few minutes before taking me to the kitchen for a coffee, with her usual kindness.
That day that I had my camera with me, suddenly the bell rung, so Madame Sanson went to see who that was, and she had a brief conversation with the visitor. I had then taken a photo of her talking to the man, in the vestibule. I remember that that made me feel guilty. But I never dared ask her to pose for me and I regret it today. This is why I drew a little portrait of her at the time, on returning from one of our appointments, to keep a visual memory of her.

By the Summer of 1976, having almost completed my paintings, I showed some to Mrs Sanson ; I had the feeling that she thought they were presentable enough to be shown to her daughter.










© Jacques Benoit. Design, œuvres, photographies et textes par Jacques Benoit et placés sous son copyright. Les contenus provenant d'autres sources sont crédités comme tel, ainsi que leur origine.
© Jacques Benoit. Design, works, photographies and texts by Jacques Benoit and under the author’s copyright. Except when derived from other sources and then mentioned as such.